Saturday, March 2, 2019

On turning 70

Yesterday I turned 70...

I’ve begun to think about the effect getting older has on ones health and well-being. Time takes a toll on the body and on the mind. The effect is so slow that it’s mostly imperceptible until one day you wake up and see it in the mirror or in the results of a medical test. You’ve eaten badly for too long or spent too much time on the sofa or soaking up the sun.

When you’re young you never think about getting old. Actually you’re in a hurry to get older and sadly when you get there you can’t go back again. You begin to think about how much closer you are to the end than to the beginning.  Seventy is much closer to the end for some and for some it’s just beyond the midway point.

I’ve always lived with the intention of living to 125. George Burns planned for a long time to have a big celebration for his 100th. I always thought that his intention might have been what got him to a hundred.  I figure if my intention is 125 then I may well get there just like George. Of course George lived a lot healthier than I have. Maybe it’s just a matter of genetics or maybe it’s luck or karma. Certainly, if it is karma, my next life may well be a short one.

Here’s to the next 10 years.  See you then.

Monday, March 2, 2009

On growing older

Yesterday I turned 60. I've been fairly nonchalant about birthdays for the last 35 years or so. The last time it really bothered me was my 26th birthday. I was so anxious to get to 21 and then suddenly I was turning 26. I thought 'Wait a minute, what just happened?' In four years I would be 30 and over the hill! I got over the shock and moved on with my life and the years passed with increasing velocity. And now I sit here at 60 and wonder again, 'what happened?'

I wanted to be mature, experienced, relevant, wise..... call it what you will. I just didn't want to be old! Old people are ignored, shelved, put out to pasture. I refuse to be ignored! I plan to live to be 125. When you get to be 100 people start to pay attention again.

I will not go gently either. I will go kicking and screaming!