Yesterday I turned 60. I've been fairly nonchalant about birthdays for the last 35 years or so. The last time it really bothered me was my 26th birthday. I was so anxious to get to 21 and then suddenly I was turning 26. I thought 'Wait a minute, what just happened?' In four years I would be 30 and over the hill! I got over the shock and moved on with my life and the years passed with increasing velocity. And now I sit here at 60 and wonder again, 'what happened?'
I wanted to be mature, experienced, relevant, wise..... call it what you will. I just didn't want to be old! Old people are ignored, shelved, put out to pasture. I refuse to be ignored! I plan to live to be 125. When you get to be 100 people start to pay attention again.
I will not go gently either. I will go kicking and screaming!
Monday, March 2, 2009
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